Get Your Eating Under Control

Eating is about fueling your body.  It is not about just stuffing anything in there that tastes good or that you happen to grab.   Respect your body enough to fuel it properly.

You can eat DELICIOUS food that is also healthy.   It may take a bit more time and attention when you are grocery shopping and cooking, but once you get the hang of it, it will be easy and you will feel it in your energy level.

Some easy tips:

– Try a new recipe every week.  Not sure where to get healthy recipes, try searching the web

– Try a new vegetable or fruit every week.   Most people stick to the same few vegetables and the same few fruits.  There are lots of different ones and variety in your meals keeps you motivated and the calories are SMALL!!

– Keep a food diary!   I can’t say it enough.   But writing down everything that you put in your mouth (drinks, food, gum, everything) allows you to identify quickly where you might be getting off track.   Truly this is key the first week or so of a new plan.  How can you know where to go if you can’t see where you are?  The same is true of a diary.  Be honest and write it down.  It will show you where you need to go!!