Post-Pregnancy Exercise

Pregnancy takes it toll on your body and it will take a while to get it back. Celebrities make it look so easy to get your body back so don’t use them as an example!!
You can get yourself back in shape with a four-pronged approach and you can start as soon as your doctor gives you the all clear. For some women, this is very soon after birth. For others it can be a month or even 2 – so be sure to discuss it with your doctor.


1 – CARDIO – A cardio plan you can stick with as a busy mom. For a lot of moms this can be taking the baby on a walk every day. For others, time on the treadmill during baby’s nap or when you have help may be more realistic.

2 – STRENGTH TRAINING – You need to get back to lifting heavy weights to build muscle. This will help you burn more calories and strengthen your body. It will also help your bone density which pregnancy could have had a negative impact on.

3 – HEALTHY EATING – You ate well for the baby; now it is time to eat well for you!!

4 – AB WORK – All new moms need a personalized ab workout to help pull their abs back. Crunches are not enough and many new moms need exercises that target deeper muscles so be sure to discuss with your doctor and a personal trainer with certifications specific to the needs of pregnancy.