So, the on-demand menu of comcast has had screaming personal trainers and fitness people on it for the last month and geez — I was in the MARINE CORPS and yes, I had drill sergeants go off on me but the tempo and aggression some of these trainers show is extreme. Everything coming out of their mouths IS IN CAPS — all shouting. Personal training is PERSONAL. If you like that style and think it works for you, then find one of those but for a lot of people, it just adds stress to an already stressful life.
I listen to Jillian Michaels podcast and she is so different on there — so SMART — that watching her get all aggressive just makes me ask why. I watched one show where she was talking to an overweight child and she really connected, really got on his level about bullying and challenges that I wish she showed that side more. Perhaps it doesn’t make as good of a TV moment but it is what people need when they are starting their journey.
Now, don’t get me wrong. You don’t need to be coddled. It is going to take going outside of your comfort zone to make change. You are going to have to do some things differently because what you are doing right now has made you what you are. So change — yes. Screaming — perhaps no.
If you have no idea where to start, I really think you should consider personal training. Even a few sessions will get you familiar with the gym and the equipment and there is an accountability that having an appointment gives you. If there is a financial reason for not getting a trainer, I get it. Then I would suggest you use tools like YouTube and Facebook and reading and listening to podcasts to motivate you and to help you learn. Jillian has some great free podcasts where she goes over calorie intake and calculating how much you should eat and they are very science-y so I enjoyed them and I think you will too. There are so many apps and programs that are free — just keep in mind to not go too gung ho so you burn out right away.
If you are already super stressed and overworked and tired — here is my suggestion for a start.
1- Keep a food diary – don’t roll your eyes. It is the best easiest FREE way to get an honest record of your eating and I swear it will take no more than 1-2 minutes per meal so ya — 10 minutes a day tops — why would you not do this for yourself.
2 – drink water. Switch out that sweet tea, coke, starbucks, coffee, juice, energy drink, etc. Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. It fills you up, helps your skin, helps your energy and your digestion. So easy really – why aren’t you doing it.
3 – do some form of cardio. Walk with your dog or your kids or your baby or your spouse. Ride your bike, walk to the store. Take the stairs, use all that exercise equipment you promised yourself you were going to use. Overloaded – start with doing 20 minutes this week just 3 times — see how you feel. I bet you sleep better and feel more relaxed.
Those are 3 easy things that you can do THIS WEEK that require NO MONEY and very little time! So really since time and money are two major hurdles, these should be workable for almost anyone. Enjoy your week!!