Personal Training and Special Populations

So by special populations I mean seniors, youths, anyone with an injury or a chronic condition, women who are pregnant or post-partum, etc

So you see – there are LOTS of special populations.   Sometimes it is something chronic like back pain or diabetes or heart disease.   Sometimes it is something temporary like pregnancy or you just had knee surgery or you have an injury.

Whatever it is, your training should be personalized and adjusted to you.   Any “cookie cutter” workout is not going to work for you and you may end up hurting yourself.   I have limitless stories of people who have told me they tried ____ and hurt their ______.    It just wasn’t the right workout for them, obviously.

So if you don’t feel like you are getting personal attention, SAY SOMETHING.     It is your dime and you deserve to get the very best personal training that you can get.