Weirdo Diets and Weight Loss

Ok, so I get asked about diets ALL THE TIME and I have so many great clients who trust me and talk openly and I love that.   They tell me about all kinds of crazy diets that people (including them) try and sometimes the craziest come from people who are in the fitness profession and who should know better.

No, you should not be eating baby food.  Baby food is for babies.   Is it nutritious?  Sure — it is healthy and full of calories meant for babies to develop.   It is not meant for you.  Can you eat it?  Of course you can and if there was a zombie apocalypse then yes, you should eat the baby food.  It will be well preserved and healthy and safe to eat.  Should you eat it every day?  OF COURSE NOT.   I have had clients who have tried this and I have had one who went to a local “nutritionist” who was very big with the body building crowd here who gave her a diet where you ate sort of normal food but it had to fit in a baby food jar — again, what?    If your portion control is that out of whack, you need to go to a Registered Dietician, not a local lady who calls herself a nutritionist who has no certification at all in anything.    So consider that if the diet sounds extra weird to you.

There are of course so many I can go into because I hear so much about diets sometimes I just want to not hear that you are doing or thinking of doing something weird.   The world is a wonderful place and it is designed to provide you with what you need so if diet is a struggle for you – then really look at your diet with a food diary and see if you are eating foods that don’t come with any labels because they are that natural (like apples, lettuce, avocado, oranges, sweet potatoes) or if your diet is laden with processed food — that right there might be the only adjustment you need to make — no baby food or baby food jars required  🙂