Whole 30 — Some getting started ideas

So as I am well into week 2 on Whole 30, I have some thoughts for anyone thinking of getting started.

  • DONT BE LAZY — Read the books!!   Yes, if you are on a very tight budget, you can make do with the web sites but seriously READ THE BOOKS if you can.  They are full of really great info and it really helps and explains things.   Social media WILL NOT do this for you.   Some of the social media is fine, but you need to know what you are doing to have confidence in what you are doing because there are some things that are unique about the diet and if I want to be honest – there are idiots of social media suggesting eating honey and butter – both are NOT allowed during your Whole 30 — and then at the other end of the spectrum, there are idiots who tell you if you eat a snack, you have to start over — you don’t.   You can eat a snack if you need one as long as it is compliant.
  • If you can afford it, buy some things to make it easier.  Yes, you can make homemade mayo and ghee and ranch and spiral your own zoodles but will you and do you see yourself doing it after a super long day at work or a day when you are totally exhausted.   I have trained people FOR YEARS — trust me, you will NOT have the energy.   So it is ok to buy some zoodles at the store as long as they are compliant.   It is ok to buy premade sausage, again as long as you read the labels.   And it is ok to buy some premade sauces.  I am not much of a mayo person but I did have chicken salad with grapes and pecans with the Primal Chipotle Mayo — and it was awesome.   And I made extra so I would have leftovers so I wouldn’t have to screw around making another meal the next day.   So this point rolls right into the next which is…
  • BE GENTLE on yourself.   You are making changes.  For some, these are big changes.  If you drank wine and ate peanuts every night when you got home, you are now learning new habits as well as eating new foods.    Allow yourself to eat a snack if you need one.   I really like the advice in the book that if you are craving, don’t snack.  But if you are hungry, eat the snack.

Just my thoughts for the day for all of you who are thinking about trying it   🙂