Whole30 and Weight Loss — THE REALITY

So first off, LOTS of people lose weight on Whole30.   There !   But, yes and there is a but.   Weight loss comes from a deficit.  It does not come from any weird combining or mumbo jumbo.   There is a stupid diet going around with a really long name that I can’t pronounce (good luck getting people to buy into something they can’t remember or pronounce) that is a “faith-based” and about food combining.   Sorry, you cannot pray yourself thin.   It may help to have faith to get through some harder times and some of the reality of weight loss but science is what makes your lose weight, not food combining.   If the combinations magically having you eating less calories — then poof, off comes the weight, but it is not the combination that does it so don’t get all trapped up in anything too complicated.

Whole30 is NOT complicated.   Sure, it has a lot of rules but they are all science based.  And if you READ THE BOOK you will find that there really are not as many rules as social media would have you think.   For example, no snacking.  BS – you can snack if you NEED a snack.   Some in social media will have you thinking you have failed if you have a snack.  You failed if you eat a twinkie or a sandwich but you do not fail if you snack on a compliant snack – A COMPLIANT SNACK means it still follows the rules like no sugar, no soy, etc.

Ok and while I am on the rules and reading the book — LEARN TO READ LABELS.   It will help you a bunch.   DO NOT look at the protein, sugar, fiber part of the label to decide if it is compliant as a lot of foods (tomatoes, all fruit, etc) have natural sugar so the sugar % part of the label will NOT tell you if it is compliant, you need to read the ingredients.   5 Million times a day somebody posts a label asking if it is compliant on some form of social media when a lot of the time it isn’t because it says stevia or sugar or agave or soy right in the ingredients.  Or it is totally compliant because it says nothing more than tomatoes and salt yet it says a % in the sugar % and people are like freaked.    If you never learn the REAL RULES and how to apply them, you will have a WAY HARDER time with it.

That is just my 2 cents for whatever it is worth but why make it harder than it was designed to be and why make it harder on yourself than it has to be.   Why not learn to rules, follow the rules and after 30 days, learn what foods are hard on you – you personally you – not anyone else – but you.  That will be a much greater reward than trying to be lucy loophole and figure out how to make compliant pudding or trying to deprive yourself of lots of compliant foods.  Right?