All you hurt is yourself

It is that time of year when resolutions to be fit and healthy yield to the love of crap foods like pizza and beer and it is a time that a lot of people who went like gangbusters slow or stop.

You only hurt yourself when you do that.  As an adult, YOU KNOW THIS.   Yet, it is hard.   I personally don’t advocate going gangbusters.  I think you should start with smaller steps and habits and then add on more when you have formed that habit.  I believe this from my years of watching the gym and parking lot fill up for the first 6 weeks of the year.  I believe this because I have clients who have been with me for YEARS – a couple of them for a decade — wow.   And they know, and they tell me, that they can’t manage to do the gym without that appointment.   They have found what works for them and their health and lifespan and quality of life are blessed by their honesty.

In the end the crash and burn of resolutions is a harsh reality.   Our lives are extremely busy.  We are parents and we work and we are caregivers and adding on too much is really too much.   So before you toss in the towel, look at what you were trying to accomplish and hold on to something.   I would suggest if you can’t decide to hold onto 3 times a week of cardio and your healthy eating habits — they will give you the most benefits.

If you have already tossed in the towel, then pick yourself up and make a plan.   Drink 8 glasses of water today and make that your goal for the next week — stick to it.   See how clear your skin is, how your digestion improves, how your energy perks up.   You can add on another little tiny habit next week, you don’t have to wait until next year to do this all over again.