Let’s talk about Whole30

So, I constantly have clients asking me about diets and I really want them to meet their goals but I also don’t want their short term goals of looking good to affect the long term goal we should all have of living longer and being our healthiest selves.   That is why I have lately been telling a few of my clients who have been thinking about some not so great diets to forget those please — and consider Whole30.

One of the things I like about it — it can be completely free.   Sure you can buy the books, I have, and they are great and very science based so if you like to know the “why” behind it and you want to understand the science, then consider the books.  But if you just want go get healthier right now and don’t care about the science, then it is also a good plan, because someone took care of the science for you.   There is truly nothing I hate more than a diet that takes money from people and just wants to pump them full of prepackaged stuff — how exactly do you learn to eat properly if you never eat real food.  And some of the other “high protein” and who cares about the rest crowd of diets are not healthy eather.

Whole30 is really a “DO NO HARM” diet.   They look at food like a pendulum.  If it swings healthy, it is IN.  If it swings unhealthy, it is out.  They have a whole Yes No binary switch kind of process for every food.  They have these “food principles” that are very science based and that is how they determine which way a particular food is.  Obviously vegetables are FINE — eat them.   But for other foods,  they may not meet these principles and they may not meet them FOR YOU – because you are an individual.   So in that respect I quite like their approach.  Basically, they determine if a food is a healthy by how it affects your hormones, your immune system, your gut and your psychological response.   So a food may meet all of the healthy requirements but it might not create a healthy psychological response in you if you can’t stop eating it so it may be IN for your husband but OUT for you — I hope that makes sense

So if there is anyone who is really struggling to find a program and wants some structure — this is one I would recommend — because it meets my criteria.  It is SUPER HEALTHY and their mission is your health, not your wallet  🙂